martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


Hola a todos,
Vamos a ver algunos aspectos del español. ¿Qué reconoces en las fotos? ¿Qué ciudades conoces? ¿Qué tradiciones conoces? ¿Qué monumentos conoces? ¿Qué famosos conoces?

16 comentarios:

  1. Hola!

    As we're only taking first steps on our way to learn Spanish, I have to comment in English.

    My personal experience with the Latin and especially Spanish culture is rather limited. I have never visited any Spanish speaking country, but I have been lucky to meet people from various Latin countries. My interest at Spain goes to La Liga and "Los Blancos".

    Slides show how Spanish is truly the language of "New World" and how broadly it is in use. I was surprised to see USA flag also on the list. I wonder is it in use as a minor language there?

    Some things I can surely recognize, some are more guesses than certain knowledge. :)

    Bull-fight and Pamplona are familiar from traditions. Landscapes show how widely Spanish is spoken. Some I believe I can even locate like Atacama desert, Pampa, Caribbean Isles and South-American jungle. Truly some beautiful places. It's not hard to guess where it would be nicest to travel. :)

    Then some monuments: Moai from Easter Island, Macchu Picchu, Barcelona's cathedral. Latin dances are tightly bounded with Spanish folklore. I would know tango, salsa, rumba, flamenco and cha cha, but only by name.

    Famous persons: J Lo, Shakira, Penelope Cruz, Fernando's Torres & Alonso, Enrique Iglesias, Rafael Nadal and Paul Gasol are current superstars. More historical characters are Cervantes and Che Guevara.

    Nice slideshow showing how Latin culture and Spanish extends to various countries. Looking forward to lessons.

    Henri Miettunen

  2. Hola!
    A mi me gusta mucho el modo de vivir y las tradiciones de la gente hispanohablante.
    Fui en espana dos veces. Una vez con mi familia y otra vez con la escuela. Todos los veces fuimos en Andalucia, el parte más en el sur de Espana. Aqui hay muchas ciudades antigous como Granada, Malaga y Gibralta.
    El monumento más famoso en Andalucía es la Alhambra y el Generalife. Estos son monumentos arabes muy antiguos. Tambien hay muchas iglesias y mezquitas en estos ciudades.
    Claro que si, tambien conozco otros ciudades como Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia y Bilbao porque tienen equipos de fútbol muy famosos.
    Pero la gente no solo habla enspnol en Espana, el mayor parte de america del sur es hispanohablante. Solamente en Brazil se hablan portugues.
    La tradicion más facinador para mi es la corrida de toros. Es una tradición muy antigua pero tambien discutado en todo el mundo.
    Personas famosas:
    Claro que si conozco todos las fútbolistas como Torres, Xavi, Iniesta y Messi pero hay muchas más.
    Por ejemplo la famosama pintora Frida Kahlo o el revolucionalrio Che Guevara.
    Saludos coriales,

  3. hola,

    when seeing how many people in the world speak spanish, one feels really motivated to start learning the language and find out more about the culture.
    I haven't visited Spain or other Spanish speaking countries so far, but of course I could recognize the bull fightings and the bull running from Pamplona, Sagrada Familia, the statues on the Easter Island. And then the tango, flamenco, samba - representative dancs for such passionate people. And Picasso, Che Guevara, Cervantes, Antonio Banderas, Fernando Alonso, Frieda Kahlo.
    Hasta la vista,

  4. Hola!

    Sorry about the English, but thanks for the interesting slide presentation. From it I could gain a great insight into the culture of Spanish speaking countries. From the running of the bulls to the statues of Easter Island. From the famous people's slide I can recognise Pablo Picasso, Che Guevara, Penelope Cruz, Fernando Torres, Christopher Columbus, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez and whining F1 driver, Fernando Alonso.

    Kind regards


  5. La presentación << Bienvenidos>> es interessante. Me gusta apprender una lengua tan importante en el mundo, que tan muchas personas hablan. No conzco ninguna de las ciudades en la presentación pero conzco algunas tradiciones, folklores y monumentos como el torero, el tango y el machu picchu. En las fotos de los famosos reconozco todos excepto tres.


  6. Hola,
    it is just amazing how many people can speak Spanish. I can't wait to improve my skills and knowledge so that I will be able to talk and listen to them.
    Bye the way, the "Sagrada de Familia" is really cool and impressive!


  7. Buenas tardes,
    el video y las fotos me recordaron de los varios lugares que ya he podido visitar y de las experiencias bonitas que pude hacer allí. En España y en los diferentes países de América Latina hay muchas tradiciones, comidas, paisajes y culturas diferentes y espero poder conocer mucho más de estos lugares del mundo. Experimenté a los Latinos y Españoles cómo personas muy alegres y positivas (aunque en sus países a veces haya muchos problemas muy grandes) que tienen culturas muy ricas.
    Igual que Henri pude reconocer mucha gente famosa y lugares famosos en el video!
    Estoy emocionada por aprender más de estos lugares en la clase de español!
    Saludos, Verena

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. ¡Hola!
    I haven’t visited Spain or any other Spanish speaking countries yet, that’s why I only recognized some things like the bull riding, the Easter Islands, the folklore dances flamenco and salsa and famous people like Pablo Picasso, Che Guevara, Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Lopez. But I’d really like to catch up with all that soon, to explore and get to know the countries and cultures. I'm really looking forward to being able to communicate in Spanish.
    Saludos, Katharina

  10. In my view, this presentation gives a short overview of the world we can access by improving our knowledge of Spanish. Spanish is a really important language, it’s spoken in many countries of the world e.g. in Argentina, Costa Rica, and Venezuela.

    385 million people speak Spanish as a mother tongue and 417 million people speak Spanish as a second language. Moreover Spanish is the third most used language on the Internet. And finally the last slides show different cities, sights, VIPs and traditions like for example, bullfighting.

    Saludos, Daria

  11. Hola :)
    Buenos dias!
    Unfortunately I cannot express myself in Spanish (yet), so I will post this comment in English.

    In this video about Spanish culture and impressions, I recognized several items. First of all, the flamenco, the most popular Spanish dance as well as the bullfighting. Bullfighting has recently been forbidden in the province of Catalonia and hence provoked discussions about animal cruelty versus traditional elements of a culture worldwide. Also, the Philippines were listed in the video as a Spanish speaking country. I believe the Philippines were a Spanish province for a long time and also the currently spoken language “Tagalog” incorporates elements of the Spanish language.

    Regarding famous Spanish speaking people, I recognized the actress Jennifer Lopez, singer Shakira, Enrique Iglesias and soccer pro Fernando Torres. Also, more historic figures such as Che Quevara and Frieda Kahlo are to be seen in the video.

    I haven’t travelled to any Spanish speaking country so far, hence I’m not able to recognize many of the buildings and landscapes, even though they seem quite beautiful.

    Hasta pronto,
    Juliana Pattermann

  12. Buenos dias clase maravillosa !

    As a Spanish beginner I will also take this in English, but with high hopes that I might be able to write the same sentences in Spanish after these 3 years!

    Regarding the traditions I must start off by saying "Odio corrida de toros" , but I love Siesta!
    The Spanish landscapes are wonderful because they have so many different types of environment. I really like the coasts I have visited myself. (Alicante, Valencia, Barcelona and Mallorca)

    I recognize a few of the monuments in the slideshow, however I would love to see the Moai statues in real!

    I have once been to a flamenco show and found it very nice, hopefully Mrs. Hergueta can give us a performance in class if we all try to persuade her!

    My favorite person from the last slide would have been David Villa, but since he is not shown I have to choose Nadal.

    ¡Hasta la próxima lección!

    Jack Stefansson

  13. Hola, Muibien.
    I can know Spanish is 2nd language which people use all around the world. In here, I can meet many people who speak in Spanish. Spanish is attractive! I wanna learn more and speak in Spanish someday.
    Different world, different culture, and different people. It's so interesting things for me.
    I'm expect to learn Spanish. Nice to meet you. Gratias.

  14. Hola,

    I really liked your slides, because they show a lot of different point of views about Spain, the spanish culture and civilisation.

    I never was in a Spanish speaking country before and it's also my first time learning Spanish.
    Well, I didn't know that there are so many countries speaking Spanish but it's only a logical consequence that Spanish is the third world language. This is only another good reason for me, to learn Spanish.

    The only things I found interesting until now about Spain, were Spanish horses like Berber or Andalusian horses and dances like Salsa, Tango, etc. I know, that isn't much, but of course I want to know more about it.

    I'm interested in the topic bullfighting and the idea of interdiction, too. I recently read in "Profil" an article about a bullfighter called Julio Aparicio, who got badly injured during a bullfight.

    I don't know all of the personalities you've listed on your slides, but I think Enrique Iglesias, Penelope Cruz, Shakira and J.Lo are really famous ones.


  15. Mitchel es americano y estudia espagñol porque sus estudios.
    Robson brisalian y estudia espagñol para su trabajo.
    Arielle es americana y estudia espagñol para el trabajo.
    Ai es japonesa y estudia español para su trabajo.
    Christian es americano y estudia espagnol porque la cultura.
    Doria es americano.
    Laura estudia espagñol porque le gusta la lengua y la cultura espagñola.
    John estudia espagñol porque la cultura espagñola.

    Estudio español porque me gusta la lengua y porque quiero estudio en España.

  16. In this presentation we can see what is a Spanish language.It is not only a language but it also represents people,dences,folk,music,literature....
    How is Spanish and where people speak Spanish language?
    why do people study language?
    To know and describe the new word,know modern and historical cities and placesin spanish speaking countries.
    Traditions- bull fights, traditional dances..
    Famous cities and places ..Barcelona,Macchu Picchu..
    And also famous people -Enerique Iglesias, Rafael nadal, shakira, Penelope Cruiz, Jenifer Lopez..
    Hasta la proxima semana.
    Katarina Nitrayova
